Category Archives: Divorce

What you need to know about divorce and your retirement account

If you are facing a divorce, you know that your entire life is in a moment of change. What you might not realize is the way that change can alter your plans for the future, even far-off plans that might not seem as immediately important in the wake of everything else you need to do to get your life reorganized so you can move forward. This leads many people to neglect to pay attention to what their divorce might doContinue reading

Paternity can be assumed under certain circumstances

Paternity is a critical issue in many divorces. Paternity is the legal precedent of a child’s father. It establishes the father and it affords certain legal rights and responsibilities. What many people may not know is that paternity can be assumed under a variety of circumstances. For example, if you are married, the father in the marriage is assumed when a child is born. Similarly, if a child is born to an unmarried couple but they get married later orContinue reading